* marks corresponding author(s)
Journal Articles
J41:Wang J., Lu H., Wang A., Xiao Y., Chen Y., He D.*, Wu K. (2025) PhysMLE: Generalizable and priors-inclusive multi-task remote physiological measurement. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. [post-print]
J40:Wang J., Peng Z., Zhang Y., He D.*, Chen L. (2024). STAHGNet: Modeling hybrid-grained heterogenous dependency efficiently for traffic prediction. Neural Computing and Applications. [post-print]
J39:Huang C., Wang Z., He D.* (2024). The effect of dual training on the hazard response and attention allocation of novice drivers when driving with advanced driver assistance system. Accident Analysis and Prevention. [post-print]
J38:Wang J., Lu H., Han H., Chen Y., He D.*, Wu K.. (2024). Generalizable remote physiological measurement via semantic-sheltered alignment and plausible style randomization. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. [post-print]
J37:Wang A., Wang J., Wen X., He D.*, Tu R. (2024). Predicting and explaining parking space sharing behaviors using LightGBM and SHAP with individual heterogeneity considered. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research. [post-print]
J36:Huang C., Wang J., Yan S., He D.* (2024). Exploring factors related to drivers’ mental model of and trust in advanced driver assistance systems using an ABN-based mixed approach. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. [post-print]
J35:Wang J., Wei X., Lu H., Chen Y., He D.* (2024). ConDiff-rPPG: Robust remote physiological measurement to heterogeneous occlusions. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. [post-print]
J34:Huang C., Wang A., Yan S., He D.* (2024). Investigating the interrelationships among factors associated with automated vehicle crashes using additive Bayesian network. Transportation Research Record. [post-print]
J33:Wang A., Huang C., Wang J., He D.* (2024). The association between physiological and eye-tracking metrics and cognitive load in drivers: A Meta-analysis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior. [post-print]
J32:Wen X., Zheng X., Cui Z., Jian S., He D.* (2024). Preference-based reinforcement learning for autonomous vehicle control considering the benefits of following vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [post-print]
J31:Wang J., Huang C., Yan S., Xie W., He D.* (2024). When young scholars cooperate with LLMs in academic tasks: The influence of individual differences and task complexities. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. [post-print]
J30:Huang C., Xie W., Huang Q., Zhu Y., Cui D., He D.* (2024). The influence of advanced driver assistance systems on the fatigue levels of heavy truck drivers in prolonged driving tasks. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science). [post-print]
J29:Wang A., Wang J., Shi W., He D.* (2024). Cognitive workload estimation in conditionally automated vehicles using transformer network based on physiological signals. Transportation Research Record. [post-print]
J28:Wang J., Huang C., Xie W., He D.*, Tu R. (2024). Rethink data-driven human behavior prediction: A psychology-powered explainable neural network. Computers in Human Behavior. [post-print]
J27:Shi W., Wang Z., Wang A., He D.* (2024). Classification of driver cognitive load in conditionally automated driving: Utilizing ECG-based spectrogram with light-weight neural network. Transportation Research Record. [post-print]
J26:Wang J., Tu R., Wang A., He D.* (2024). Trust in range estimation system in battery electric vehicles – A mixed approach. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. [post-print]
J25:Huang C., Yan S., Xie W., He D.* (2024). When do users prefer voice-controlled systems in vehicles? A survey of Chinese drivers. Transportation Research Record. [post-print]
J24:Wang J., Lu H., Wang A., Chen Y., He D.* (2024). Hierarchical style-aware domain generalization for remote physiological measurement. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1635-1643. [post-print]
J23:Xiao W., Huang C., Jian S.*, He D.* (2023). Analysis of discretionary lane-changing behaviors of autonomous vehicles based on real-world data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. [post-print]
J22:Yan S., Huang C., He D.* (2023). A Comparison of Patterns and Contributing Factors of ADAS and ADS involved Crashes. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. [post-print]
J21:Xie W., He D.*, Wu G. (2023). Inducers of Motion Sickness in Vehicles: A Systematic Review of Experimental Evidence and Meta-Analysis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. [post-print]
J20:Hunag C., Wen X., Wen X., He D.* (2023). Characteristics of rear-end collisions: A comparison between ADS-Involved crashes and ADAS-Involved crashes. Transportation Research Record. [post-print] (Presented at the 102nd TRB annual meeting)
J19:Hunag C., He D.*, Wen X., Yan S. (2023). Beyond adaptive cruise control and lane centering control: drivers’ mental model of and trust in emerging ADAS technologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1236062. [open-access]
J18:Wen X., Jian S.*, He D.* (2023). Modeling the effects of autonomous vehicles on human driver car-following behaviors using inverse reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Early Access. [post-print]
J17:Wu G., Huang C., He D.* (2023). An exploration of social psychological factors leading to distracted e-bike riding among delivery workers in China. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231188371. [post-print]
J16:Wang J., Chen J., Zhang Y., He D.*, Lin F. (2023). Preciser comparison: Augmented multi-layer dynamic contrastive strategy for text2text question classification. Neurocomputing, 544(126299). [post-print]
J15:Chen Q., Niu C., Tu R.*, Li T., Wang A., He D. (2023). Cost-effective electric bus resource assignment based on optimized charging and decision robustness. Transportation Research Part D, 118(103724).
J14:Wang J., Chen Z., Qin Y., He D.*, Lin F.* (2023). Multi-Aspect co-attentional collaborative filtering for extreme multi-label text classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 260(110110). [post-print]
J13:He D., Kanaan D., Donmez B.* (2022). Distracted when using driving automation: A quantile regression analysis of driver glances considering the effects of road alignment and driving experience. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 772930. [Open-Access]
J12:He D., Wang Z., Khali E.B., Donmez B.*, Qiao G., Kumar S. (2022). Classification of driver cognitive load: Exploring the benefits of fusing eye-tracking and physiological measures. Transportation Research Record, 2676(10), 670-681. [post-print] (Presented at the 101st TRB annual meeting)
J11:He D., DeGuzman A. C., Donmez B.* (2021). Anticipatory driving in automated vehicles: The effects of driving experience and distraction. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 65(4), 663-663. [post-print]
J10:He D., Kanaan D., Donmez B.* (2021). In-vehicle displays to support driver anticipation of traffic conflicts in automated vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 149(105842). [post-print]
J9:He D., Donmez B.* (2020). The influence of visual-manual distractions on anticipatory driving. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 64(2): 401-417. [post-print] (Jerome H. Ely Human Factors Article Award)
J8:He D., Donmez B.*, Liu C. C., & Plataniotis, K. N. (2019). High cognitive load assessment in drivers through wireless electroencephalography and the validation of a modified n-back task. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 49(4), 362-371. [post-print]
J7:He D., & Donmez B.* (2019). Influence of driving experience on distraction engagement in automated vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2673(9), 142–151. [post-print]
J6:Lu H., Shi Y., He D., & Yu F.* (2016). Model-based vehicle stability control with tyre force and instantaneous cornering stiffness estimation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 230(6), 754-770. [PDF]
J5:Aghaei A. S., Donmez B.*, Liu C. C., He D., Liu G., Plataniotis K. N., ... & Sojoudi Z. (2016). Smart driver monitoring: When signal processing meets human factors: In the driver's seat. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 33(6), 35-48. [post-print]
J4:Cao Y., He D., Yu F.* (2016). Generalized predictive control based on path following control using active steering. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 50(3), 401-406. [PDF]
J3:Ma C., He D., Xie D., Yu F.*, & Luo Z. (2015). Controller design for a semi-track air-cushion vehicle. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 16(4), 581-591. [PDF]
J2:He D., Lu H., Yu F.* (2015). Study on vehicle stability control by using model predictive controller and tire-road force robust optimal allocation. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 8(2015-01-1580), 126-136. [PDF]
J1:He D., Ma C., Yu F.*, Luo Z. (2014). Structure parameter optimization of the six-air-cushion walking concept vehicle. Highlights of Sciencepaper Online, 12(7), 1159-1164. [PDF]
Conference Proceedings
C32:Wang J., Sheng Y., He Q., Liu S., Jing Y., He D.* (2025). When and how to integrate multimodal large language models in college psychotherapy: Feedback from psychotherapists in China. 2025 CHI Late Breaking Work, Yokohama, Japan. [post-print]
C31:Yan J., He D.*, Ren Z., Sheng H. (2025). Elderly and young drivers’ perceptions, beliefs, and preferences of advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). HCI International 2025, Gothenburg, Sweden. [post-print]
C30:Wang Z., Xu H., Sun M., He D.* (2024). An exploration of users’ trust in and willingness to pay for fully driverless vehicles after their first ride. ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. [post-print]
C29:Gu F., Xu H., He D.* (2024). How does variation in AI performance affect trust in AI-infused systems: A case study with in-vehicle voice control systems. ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. [post-print]
C28:He Q., Wang J.*, He D.* (2024). The influence of task and group disparities over users’ attitudes toward using large language models for psychotherapy. ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. [post-print]
C27:Huang C., Wang Z., He D.* (2024). The Influence of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on Fatigue Development among Long-Haul Truck Drivers. The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Jeju, Republic of Korea. [post-print]
C26:Lu H., Niu X., Wang J., Wang Y., Hu Q., Tang J., Zhang Y., Yuan K., Huang B., Yu Z., He D., Deng S., Chen H., Chen Y.*, Shan S (2024). GPT as psychologist? Preliminary evaluations for GPT-4V on visual affective computing. The 7th International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement (CVPM)., Seattle WA, USA. [post-print]
C25:Wen X., Jian S., He D.* (2024). A leading cruise controller for autonomous vehicles in mixed autonomy based on preference-based reinforcement learning. 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Jeju Island, Korea. [post-print]
C24:Wang J., Hu H., Wang Z., Yan S., Sheng Y., He D.* (2024). Evaluating the large language models on academic literature understanding and review: An empirical study among early-stage Scholars. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., Hawaii, U.S. [post-print]
C23:Sun M., Huang C., He D.* (2024). Characterizing heterogeneous car-following behaviors of human drivers in mixed traffic. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), Toronto, Canada. [post-print]
C22:Yan S., Huang C., He D.* (2024). CH-LSTTM: A taxonomy of traffic hazards. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), Toronto, Canada. [post-print]
C21:Wang J., Wang A., Hu H., Wu K., He D.* (2024). Multi-source domain generalization for ECG-based cognitive load estimation: A Plug-In Method and Benchmark. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea. [post-print]
C20:Xie W., Huang C., Wang J., He D.* (2024). Do electric vehicles induce more motion sickness than fuel vehicles? A survey study in china. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. [post-print]
C19:Xue S., He D., Tu R.* (2024). Does eco-driving really save energy: Re-assessing the effect of eco-driving considering the heterogeneity of driver acceptance. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
C18:Xie W., Yan S., Huang C., He D.* (2023). The Influence of Display Location on Motion Sickness: An Analysis Based on 6-DoF SVC Model. Work in Progress in 15th International ACM SIGCHI Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), Ingolstadt, Germanay. [post-print]
C17:Yan S., Huang C., Xie W., He D.* (2023). HMI Design for Chain-Braking Event Based on V2V Communication. Work in Progress in 15th International ACM SIGCHI Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), Ingolstadt, Germanay. [post-print]
C16:Huang C., He D.* (2023). Using Sensitivity and Bias in Signal Detection Theory to Predict Proportion Correctness: Simulation and Case Study on ADAS Mental Model Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [post-print]
C15:Huang C., He D.* (2023). Assessing drivers’ mental model of advanced driver assistance systems using signal detection theory. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [post-print]
C14:Wu G., Wang A., Huang C., He D.* (2023). Phone call while riding among delivery workers: The application of the theory of planned behavior. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [post-print]
C13:Wang J., Huang C., He D.* Tu R. (2023). Range Anxiety Among Battery Electric Vehicle Users: Both Distance and Waiting Time Matter. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA. [post-print]
C12:Wen X., Huang C., Jian S.*, He D.* (2023). Exploring discretionary lane-changing behaviors of autonomous vehicles using the Waymo Open Dataset. The 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP). Beijing, China. [post-print]
C11:Deng W., Yu F., Wang Z., He D*. (2023). The design and evaluation of an obstacle avoidance algorithm in autonomous vehicles with drivers' subjective feelings considered. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C (No. 23-04949). [post-print]
C10:Wang J., Huang C., Tu R., He D*.(2023). Influential factors of users’ trust in the range estimation systems of battery electric vehicles – A survey study in China. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C (No. 23-01746). [post-print]
C1:Chen Q., Niu C., Tu R.*, Li T., Wang A., He D. (2023). Investigating the resource allocation of electric buses with uncertainty through optimal charging strategy. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C (No. 23-01340). [post-print]
C8:Wen X., Jian S.*, He D.* (2022). Modeling human driver behaviors when following autonomous vehicles: An inverse reinforcement learning approach. In proceedings of the 25th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2022). [post-print]
C7:Huang C., Wen X., He D.*, Jian S. (2022). Sharing the road: How drivers interact with autonomous vehicles on highways. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. [post-print]
C6:Kumar S., He D., Qiao G., Donmez B*. (2022). Classification of Driver Cognitive Load based on Physiological Data: Exploring Recurrent Neural Networks. 2022 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ARM). Guilin, China. [post-print]
C5:He D., Kanaan D., Donmez B*. (2021). The effect of driving automation on drivers’ anticipatory glances. In: Black N.L., Neumann W.P., Noy I. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 221. Springer, Cham. [post-print]
C4:He, D., Kanaan, D., & Donmez, B*. (2019). A taxonomy of strategies for supporting time-sharing with non-driving tasks in automated driving. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1), 2088-2092. [post-print]
C3:He D., & Donmez, B*. (2018, September). The effects of distraction on anticipatory driving. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 1960-1964. (Finalists for the Chapanis Award of HFES and the Surface Transportation TG’s best paper of HFES) [post-print]
C2:He D., Liu C.C., Donmez B.*, Plataniotis K. (2017). Assessing high mental workload in drivers through electroencephalography. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C (No. 17-02615). [post-print]
C1:Lu H., Shi Y., Fan Y., He D.*, Model-based integrated control with vehicle states and parameters estimation. In The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks: Proceedings of the 24th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD 2015), Graz, Austria, 17-21 August 2015. [post-print]
Conference Extended Abstracts
A8:Ayas S., He D., Donmez B.* (2024). Differentiating high and low cognitive load using driving performance and driver physiological data. ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.
A7:Sheng Y., He D., Zhang J.* (2024). When should feedback be given for autonomous system updates? An examination across two update patterns. ASPIRE - the HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. [post-print]
A6:Wang Z., Shi W., Huang C., Xu H., He D.* (2024). Enhancing novice drivers’ safety in SAE level-2 vehicles through hazard perception and ADAS-limitation training. The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Jeju, Republic of Korea. [post-print]
A5:Yan S., Gu F., Wang J., Wang A., Wu G., He D.* (2024). Do salespersons tell the truth of ADAS? An analysis of information flowing from salespersons to customers. Extended Abstract at the 2024 World Transportation Convention, Qingdao, China. [post-print]
A4:Wang J., Wang A., He D.* (2024). Generalizable ECG-based driver cognitive load estimation: Adversarial invariant and plausible uncertainty learning. Extended Abstract at the 2024 World Transportation Convention, Qingdao, China. [post-print]
A3:Xue S., Wang J., He D., Tu R.* (2024). A study of drivers’ cognitive acceptance of eco-driving guidance information. Extended Abstract at the 2024 World Transportation Convention, Qingdao, China.
A2:Ayas S., Donmez B.*, He D. (2023). Detecting driver drowsiness with driver physiological and vehicle data. Poster presented at the Upper Bound AI Conference 2023, Edmonton, AB.
A1:Chen Q., Niu C., Tu R.*, Li T., Wang A., He D. (2023). Resource allocation of electric buses with uncertainty through optimal charging strategy. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Shanghai, China.
B7:Liu Y., He D., Zhou X., Zhang J. (2025). Case study: Driver performance difference and model difference evaluation on different car-following scenarios under mixed traffic flow. He D., Yu H., Sun X. (Ed). Sharing the Road: Understanding and Facilitating Mixed Traffic with Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles, 99–111, CRC Press: Boca Raton. [post-print]
B6:Huang C., Li T., He D. (2025). Safety of mixed traffic: Evidence from empirical studies He D., Yu H., Sun X. (Ed). Sharing the Road: Understanding and Facilitating Mixed Traffic with Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles, 69–86, CRC Press: Boca Raton. [post-print]
B5:He D., Zhou X., Liu Y., Zhang J. (2025). Empirical research for mixed traffic. He D., Yu H., Sun X. (Ed). Sharing the Road: Understanding and Facilitating Mixed Traffic with Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles, 1–3, CRC Press: Boca Raton. [post-print]
B4:He D., Yu H., Sun X. (2025). Introduction. He D., Yu H., Sun X. (Ed). Sharing the Road: Understanding and Facilitating Mixed Traffic with Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles, 1–3, CRC Press: Boca Raton. [post-print]
B3:He D., Sun S., Yu H. (2025). Sharing the Road: Understanding and Facilitating Mixed Traffic with Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles. 1st Edition, CRC Press: Boca Raton. [post-print]
B2:Donmez B.*, He D., Holland M. V. (2023). Human factors in driving. Parisa Eslambolchilar, Andreas Komninos, Mark Dunlop (Ed). Handbook of Human-Machine Systems, 333–343, Wiley-IEEE Press.
B1:He D., Risteska M., Donmez B.*, Chen K.Y. (2021). Driver Cognitive Load Classification Based on Physiological Data—Case Study 7. Eslambolchilar P., Komninos A., Dunlop M. (Ed). Intelligent Computing for Interactive System Design: Statistics, Digital Signal Processing, and Machine Learning in Practice, 409–429, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. [post-print]
Wang J., Peng Z., He D., Qin Y., A Traffic Flow Description Method based on spatial–temporal hybrid graph. China, CN117636633B.
Luo Z., Shu Y. H., He D., Yu F., A bipedal walking robot with air-cushion and its walking mechanism. China, CN104401418A.