ROAS 5700 Robot Motion Planning and Control
Course Description: This course introduces the advanced methodologies in the context of motion planning and control for robotics and autonomous systems. Various methodologies are introduced, including search-based methods, grid-based methods, sampling-based methods, optimization-based methods, learning-based methods, etc. In general, this course covers modern approaches, deep theory, and good practice envisions. In addition to the fundamental knowledge in motion planning and control, the students will also have the opportunity to discover and learn cutting-edge methodologies in the related field, aligning with the substantial developments in robotics, autonomous driving, UAVs, etc.
ROAS 6000I Optimal Control Systems
Course Description: Optimal control is an effective approach that has been widely used in robotics and autonomous systems. This course aims to provide students with a firm foundation in optimality principles in modern control system design. Fundamental key concepts in optimal control are introduced, including Hamiltonian, Pontryagin's minimum principle, Bellman equation, dynamic programming, etc., which bring the prospect of formal linkage to reinforcement learning techniques. Different optimal control methods are also covered in this course, such as LQR, Kalman filter, LQG, MPC, etc. Additionally, the students will have the opportunity to discover and learn cutting-edge methodologies in the related field and develop the expertise in optimal control system design.
ROAS 6800E - Seminar in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Course Description: This course focuses on seminar topics presented by students, faculty, and guest speakers. Students are expected to attend regularly and demonstrate proficiency in presentation in accordance with the program requirements.
UCMP 6010 Cross-disciplinary Research Methods
Course Description: This course focuses on using various approaches to perform quantitative analysis through real-world examples. Students will learn how to use different tools in an interdisciplinary project and how to acquire new skills on their own. The course offers different modules that are multidisciplinary/multifunctional and generally applicable to a wide class of problems.
SYSH 6780 Career Development for Systems Hub Research Students
Course Description: This course aims at equipping research students with the skills conducive to their professional career development. Students will attend the training focusing on personality self-exploration and program-specific training at the Thrust level, and another training at the Hub level.