
Papers Under Review

  1. Y. Wang, Z. Peng, Y. Xie, Y. Li, H. Ghazzai, and J. Ma*, “Learning the References of Online Model Predictive Control for Urban Self-Driving.”

  2. X. Zhou, Z. Peng, J. Ma*, “Game-Theoretic Driver Modeling and Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving with Temporal-Spatial Attention-Based Deep Q-Learning.”

  3. Z. Huang, S. Shen, and J. Ma*, “A Universal Cooperative Decision-Making Framework for Connected Autonomous Vehicles with Generic Road Topologies.”

  4. Z. Zhu, H. Liu, W. Wang, J. Duan, H. Sun, and J. Ma*, “Diffeomorphism-Transformed Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator for Constrained Motion Planning in Autonomous Driving.”

  5. H. Liu, K. Chen, Y. Li, Z. Huang, and J. Ma*, “A Unified Decision-Making and Control Framework for Urban Autonomous Driving with V2X Perception and Path Prediction.”

  6. Zhu, H. Zhao, Y. Xian*, H. Sun, Y.-H. Chen, and J. Ma, “Cooperative Game-Theoretic Optimization of Adaptive Robust Constraint-Following Control for Fuzzy Mechanical Systems Under Inequality Constraint.”

  7. Z. Zhu, H. Zhao, Y. Xian*, Y.-H. Chen, H. Sun, and J. Ma, “Stackelberg Game-Based Control Design for Fuzzy Underactuated Mechanical Systems with Inequality Constraints.”

  8. G. Li , S. Lin, J. Ma, J. Duan, L. Zhang, W. Li, Z. Li, and S. Li*, “Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving at Intersection Scenarios: A Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning (HDRL) Approach.”

  9. W. Wang, J. Ma*, Z. Cheng, Y. Xian, C. W. de Silva, and T. H. Lee, “Robust Precision Motion Control of Dual-Drive Gantry-Type Cartesian Robot with State and Input Constraints.”

  10. H. Zhou, H. Liu, D. Xu, J. Ma, and Y. Ji*, “FusionAssurance: Safety Assured End-to-end Driving Fusion Framework.”


  1. Z. Wang, Y. Jia, L. Shi, H. Wang, H. Zhao, X. Li, J. Zhou, J. Ma*, and G. Zhou “Arm-Constrained Curriculum Learning for Loco-Manipulation of the Wheel-Legged Robot,” 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted.

  2. Y. Xie, Z. Huang, K. Chen, L. Zhu, and J. Ma*, “MCGMapper: Light-Weight Incremental Structure from Motion and Visual Localization With Planar Markers and Camera Groups,” 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted.

  3. Z. Peng, X. Zhou, L. Zheng, Y. Wang, and J. Ma*, “Interaction-Aware Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections: A Reward-Driven Automated Curriculum Learing Approach,” 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted.

  4. Y. Li, H. Zhu, J. Ma*, C. Xiang, P. Vadakkepat, and J. Ma*, “Bilateral-Head Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks: a Unified Approach for Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, accepted.

  5. H. Liu, Z. Huang, Z. Zhu, Y. Li, S. Shen, and J. Ma*, “Improved Consensus ADMM for Cooperative Motion Planning of Large-Scale Connected Autonomous Vehicles with Limited Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted.

  6. L. Zheng, Z. Peng, R. Yang, M. Y. Wang, and J. Ma*, “Spatiotemporal Receding Horizon Control with Proactive Interaction Towards Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving in Dense Traffic,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted.

  7. H. Liu, K. Chen, and J. Ma*, “Incremental Learning-Based Real-Time Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving via Sparse Gaussian Process Regression,” 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), accepted.

  8. L. Zheng, R. Yang, Z. Peng, W. Yan, M. Y. Wang, and J. Ma*, “Incremental Bayesian Learning for Fail-Operational Control in Autonomous Driving,” 2024 European Control Conference (ECC), accepted.

  9. Y. Xian, J. Ma*, K. Huang, X. Li, W. Wang, A. Al Mamun, and T. H. Lee, “Adaptive Robust Control for Fuzzy Underactuated Mechanical Systems: A Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Optimization Approach,” Information Sciences, accepted.

  10. Z. Cheng, J. Ma*, W. Wang, C. W. de Silva, and T. H. Lee, “Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers-Based Parallel Optimization for Multi-Agent Collision-Free Model Predictive Control,” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, accepted.

  11. Y. Wang, Y. Li, Z. Peng, H. Ghazzai, and J. Ma*, “Chance-Aware Lane Change with High-Level Model Predictive Control Through Curriculum Reinforcement Learning,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), accepted.

  12. Z. Huang, H. Liu, S. Shen, and J. Ma*, “Parallel Optimization with Hard Safety Constraints for Cooperative Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), accepted.

  13. Y. Li, X. Tang, K. Chen, C. Zheng, H. Liu, and J. Ma*, “Geometry-Aware Safety-Critical Local Reactive Controller for Robot Navigation in Unknown and Cluttered Environments,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, accepted.

  14. X. Li, H. Zhu*, J. Ma, W. Wang, T. J. Teo, C. S. Teo, and T. H. Lee, “Learning-Based High-Precision Tracking Control: Development, Synthesis, and Verification on Spiral Scanning with a Flexure-Based Nanopositioner,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted.


  1. Y. Li, H. Zhu, J. Ma*, C. Xiang, and P. Vadakkepat, “Incremental Few-Shot Learning via Implanting and Compressing,” Neurocomputing, accepted.

  2. Z. Zhu, J. Ma*, H. Sun, W. Wang, H. Zhao, and T. H. Lee, “Game-Theoretic Optimization Towards Diffeomorphism Based Robust Control of Fuzzy Dynamical Systems with State and Input Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 373-387, 2023.

  3. Z. Huang, S. Shen, and J. Ma*, “Decentralized iLQR for Cooperative Trajectory Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles via Dual Consensus ADMM,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted.

  4. Z. Zhu, J. Ma*, W. Wang, Y. Xian, H. Sun, H. Zhao, and T. H. Lee, “Robust Constraint-Following Control for Uncertain Mechanical Systems with Generalized Udwadia-Kalaba Approach,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 2263-268, 2023.

  5. J. Ma, Z. Cheng, X. Li, W. Wang*, M. Tomizuka, and T. H. Lee, “Data-Driven Linear Quadratic Optimization for Controller Design Problem with Structural Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, accepted.

  6. J. Ma, Z. Cheng*, X. Zhang, Z. Lin, F. L. Lewis, and T. H. Lee, “Local Learning Enabled Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator for Constrained Trajectory Planning,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 5354-5365, 2023.

  7. Z. Lin, J. Duan, S. E. Li*, H. Ma, J. Li, J. Chen, B. Cheng, and J. Ma, “Policy-Iteration-Based Finite-Horizon Approximate Dynamic Programming for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Optimal Control,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 5255-5267, 2023.

  8. Z. Lin, J. Ma, J. Duan, S. E. Li*, H. Ma, B. Cheng, and T. H. Lee, “Policy-Iteration-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming Towards Autonomous Driving in Constrained Dynamic Environment,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 5003-5013, 2023.

  9. J. Ma, H. Zhu*, X. Li, W. Wang, C. W. de Silva, and T. H. Lee, “Robust Fixed-Order Controller Design with Common Lyapunov Strictly Positive Realness Characterization,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1543-1553, 2023.

  10. J. Ma, Z. Cheng*, X. Zhang, M. Tomizuka, and T. H. Lee, “On Symmetric Gauss-Seidel ADMM Algorithm for H∞ Guaranteed Cost Control with Convex Parameterization,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 1015-1026, 2023.

  11. W. Wang, J. Ma*, X. Li, H. Zhu, C. W. de Silva, and T. H. Lee, “Hybrid Active-Passive Robust Control Framework of a Flexure-Joint Dual-Drive Gantry Robot for High-Precision Contouring Tasks,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1676-1686, 2023.

  12. Q. Zhong*, K. Chen, J. Duan, and J. Ma, “Heuristic Online Path Planning for Mobile Air Purification and Disinfection Robot In Regulating Indoor Air Quality,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), accepted.

  13. YH. Liu, K. Chen, Y. Li, Z. Huang, J. Duan, and J. Ma*, “Integrated Decision-Making and Control for Urban Autonomous Driving with Traffic Rules Compliance,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), accepted.

  14. Z. Cheng, Y. Li, K. Chen, J. Duan, J. Ma*, and T. H. Lee, “Neural-iLQR: A Learning-Aided Shooting Method for Trajectory Optimization,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), accepted.

  15. Z. Peng, X. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. Zheng, M. Liu, and J. Ma*, “Curriculum Proximal Policy Optimization with Stage-Decaying Clipping for Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections,” the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), accepted.

  16. L. Zheng, R. Yang, Z. Peng, H. Liu, M. Y. Wang, and J. Ma*, “Real-Time Parallel Trajectory Optimization with Spatiotemporal Safety Constraints for Autonomous Driving in Congested Traffic,” the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), accepted.

For the complete publication list, please refer to Google scholar.

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