headline: We have openings for postdocs, research assistants (graduate or undergraduate researchers), and PhD students!! Plese feel free to email me if you are interested.
02/2025: Our work on the adaptive fiber beam structure control using programmable photonics has been published in Optica.
Congratulations to Wu Zhou and Zengqi Chen!
12/2024: Four papers accepted by the Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2025 (OFC
2025). We invite you to join our presentations on March 30, in San Francisco, USA.
Congratulations to Kaihang Lu, Wu Zhou, Hao Chen, and Zengqi Chen!
11/2024: Hao Chen's work on photonic design automation has been accepted by DATE 2025 (Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference)
in Lyon, France. Congratulations!
10/2024: Hao Chen's work on always-feasible and fabrication-constrained inverse design has been published in ACS Photonics,
09/2024: Yiou CUI, Yuxiang YIN, and Yiyang SU join our group for their PhD and MPhil studies. Welcome!
07/2024: Kaihang Lu's work on mode-multiplexed PAM-4 fiber optical interconnects has
been accepted by IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2024) for an oral presentation in Rome, Italy.
04/2024: Our work on the integrated photonic processor for high-dimensional
fiber optic system has been published in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Kaihang Lu, Zengqi Chen, and Hao Chen!
02/2024: Wu Zhou's first work on silicon photonics multichannel
Optical I/O has been
published in Laser & Photonics Reviews. Congratulations!
02/2024: Mingyuan Zhang's first work on transverse stress sensor has
been accepted by the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024) in
Charlotte, USA.
01/2024: Wenzhang TIAN join our group for his PhD study. Welcome!
10/2023: Hao Chen's first work on Tbps single-λ interconnect has
been featured as a Top-Scored oral presentation by the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC
2024) in San
Diego, USA.
11/2023: 2023 Optical/Photonic Interconnects for Computing Systems (OPTICS)
international forum was successfully organized by Dr. Minkyu Kim (imec), Dr. Luca Ramini
(Hewlett Packard Enterprise), and Dr. Yeyu Tong!
10/2023: The work collaborated with David Weng U Chan and Prof. Hon Ki
Tsang from Chinese
University of Hong Kong has been accepted
by the European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland.
09/2023: Wu ZHOU, Mingyuan ZHANG, Xianyi FENG, and Zichun LIN join our group for their PhD and MPhil studies. Welcome!
07/2023: The work collaborated with Yun Zheng, Chonghao Zhai, Prof. Jianwei
Wang from Peking
University and Dajian Liu,
Prof. Daoxin Dai from Zhejiang University has been published
in Science. Congratulations!
03/2023: The work collaborated with Ching-Wei Peng and Prof. Chi-Wai Chow
from National Yang
Chiao Tung
University has been published
in Optics Communications. Congratulations!
09/2022: Hao CHEN, Kaihang LU, and Zengqi CHEN join our group for their Ph.D. studies. Welcome!
08/2022: Wu ZHOU from Sun Yat-Sen University joined our group as a research assistant. Welcome!
05/2022: Integrated OptoElectronics Group led by Dr. Yeyu Tong starts at HKUST(GZ)!