Drivers' Defensive Driving with GB/T Level-2 Driving Automation

Defensive driving can allow drivers to respond to or get ready to respond to critical situations in advance and increase their time buffer before takeover events. In this project, we aim to introduce the concept of defensive driving into vehicles with GB/T Level-2 driving automation, and investigate the factors that may influence drivers’ defensive driving behaviors through survey studies, driving simulation, video simulation, instrumented vehicle experiments and naturalistic data collection. Then, we plan to propose and evaluate strategies (e.g., in-vehicle display design and driver training program) that can facilitate defensive driving in vehicles with GB/T Level-2 automation, and analyze the mechanisms of these facilitating strategies. The outcome of this project can provide theoretical guidelines and practical experience for the design of behavior intervention strategies for users of driving automation.

  • Sponsor(s): 2023 National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science Fund for Young Scholars
  • Student PI(s): Chunxi Huang, Song Yan
  • Project date: Jan 2023 - Dec 2025

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