
September 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the manuscript by Yanrong and Prof. Juan Du, “Tensor-based Process Control and Monitoring for Semiconductor Manufacturing with Unstable Disturbances,” has been accepted for publication in Naval Research Logistics. Congratulations to both!

August 2024

Welcome PhD students Letian Bai, Mingze Gong, and Jiaping Cao join IDADM Lab!

Prof. Juan Du and IDADM members received the 2024 Best Application Paper (First Prize) at the Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE) & Chinese Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Department Heads (CIEDH). Only 1 paper can be recognized as First Prize for this conference

July 2024

Juan and Yukun attended the 16th International Annual Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE 2024) on Digital Intelligence and Sustainable Development held from July 13-15 at Xiamen University, China.

Our paper “MFRL-Bl: Design of a Model-free Reinforcement Learning Process Control Scheme by Using Bayesian Inference” has won the first place in the ICQSR 24 Best Paper Competition finalist and has been accepted for publication in IISE Transactions.Congratulations Yanrong and Juan!

Xuanming Cao has passed the PQE. Congratulations!

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Du, Prof. Tsung, and Yukun have been selected as finalists for the 2024 CSAMSE Practice Award! Best of luck in your presentation on July 13, 2024!

June 2024

Our paper, “MFRL-BI: Design of a Model-free Reinforcement Learning Process Control Scheme by Using Bayesian Inference,” has been selected as a finalist for the Best Paper Competition at the 2024 ICQSR Conference. Only 4 papers are selected as Finalists. Congratulations Yanrong and Juan!

May 2024

Yukun Xie and Hao Xu have passed the graduation defense. Congratulations!

April 2024

Welcome Yifeng Cheng to join our group!

March 2024

Prof. Juan Du received 2023 Year of Teacher Nomination Award at HKUST(GZ). Congratulations!

January 2024

Welcome Zengwei Yuan to join our group!

December 2023

Prof. Juan Du received the prestigious SME Susan Smyth Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

October 2023

Prof. Juan Du is awarded the Best Contribution to First Year Undergraduate Recruitment Award.

May 2023

Our paper “Interpretation and Visualization of Distance Covariance through Additive Decomposition of Correlations Formula” won the Best Track Paper Award, IISE, the Data Analytics and Information Systems (DAIS) Section, 2023. Congratulations!

Our paper “Anomaly Detection for Fabricated Artifact by Using Unstructured 3D Point Cloud Data” has been selected as Editor’s Choice to an IISE Transactions Invited Session at INFORMS 2023. Congratulations, Chengyu!

April 2023

Dr. Du’s proposal on “Quality Improvement of Manufacturing Systems in Digital Twins” has been successfully funded. Thanks for the support!

November 2022

Dr. Du’s proposal on “Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Manufacturing Systems under Complex Data-Rich Environment” has been successfully funded. Thanks for the support!

August 2022

Welcome Xuanming Cao to join our group!

June 2022

Welcome Peng Ye and Hao Xu to join our group!

April 2022

Our paper “Anomaly Detection for Fabricated Artifact by Using Unstructured 3D Point Cloud Data” won the 2022 IISE QCRE Best Student Paper Award Finalist. Congratulations, Chengyu Tao!

February 2022

Dr. Du’s proposal on “Quality monitoring and control of semiconductor manufacturing process based on high dimensional data” has been successfully funded by GZ Municipal Science and Technology Bureau. Thanks for the support!

October 2021

Dr. Juan Du and PhD student Chengyu Tao attend the Aeromart China 2021.

August 2021

Welcome Chengyu and Yukun to join our group!

May 2021

Our paper “Real-Time Monitoring of Complex Correlated Multi-Channel Profiles in Advanced Manufacturing System” has been selected as one among four finalists of Best Student Paper Award from the Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) Section at IISE 2021 Annual Meeting. The oral competition will be held at IISE 2021 Annual Meeting.

Our proposal “Research and Industrialization of Intelligent ceramic production line management and analysis platform” has been successfully funded by HKUST-FRISM. Thanks for the support!

April 2021

PhD student Yanrong Li from SJTU visits our group for one year. Welcome, Yanrong!

October 2020

Our paper “Optimal Shape Control via L-infinity Loss for Composite Fuselage Assembly” has been selected as one among four finalists of Best Paper Award from the Data Mining Section at INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting. The oral competition will be held at INFORMS 2020 Annual Meeting.

Juan is awarded the Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Chinese Society of Management Science and Engineering. (Note: Only 10 theses are awarded from all research fields within Management Science and Engineering in the greater China area per year.)

September 2020

Juan is awarded NSFC Program for the proposal “Modeling and online process monitoring of high-density 3D point cloud data based on sparse learning”. Thanks for the support!

June 2020

Juan is awarded Young Scientific Talent YANG FAN Program from Shanghai Science and Technology Commission for the proposal “Multistage manufacturing process monitoring and control based on reinforcement learning”. Thanks for the support!

September 2019

We received the 2019 INFORMS Best (General) Paper Award Finalist from the Data Mining Section, for our paper entitled “Ranking Features to Promote Diversity: An Approach Based on Sparse Distance Correlation”.

May 2019

Our paper “Optimal Placement of Actuators for Composite Fuselage Shape Control via Sparse Learning” is accepted by ASME transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.

Juan gets full financial student support from the Institute for Data Engineering and Science at Georgia Tech to attend the Symposium on Machine Learning in Science and Engineering, June 9-12, 2019.

October 2018

Our paper “A Physics-specific Change Point Detection Method using Torque Signals in Pipe Tightening Processes” is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

September 2018

We received the 2018 INFORMS Best Refereed Paper Award Finalist from the Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Section, for our paper entitled “Optimal Placement of Actuators for Composite Fuselage Shape Control”.