Alleviating Battery Electric Vehicle Drivers’ Range Anxiety and Eco-Driving Induction

This project will explore the impact of advanced vehicle technologies (new energy, intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, in-car VR, etc.) on motion sickness among passengers, as well as its causes and solutions. The study plans to quantitatively analyze the causes of motion sickness in passengers after the introduction of advanced vehicle technologies, analyze the weight of different motion sickness inducers in different populations, explore the key threshold of motion sickness inducer intensity and cumulative amount, and establish a multi-factor explanation model for motion sickness. Based on the quantitative analysis of inducers, an adaptive in-car interaction system will be designed to reduce the likelihood of passenger motion sickness during in-car entertainment and work tasks.

  • Student PI(s): Weiyin Xie
  • Sponsor/Collaborators: Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Administration Committee of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone
  • Project date: October 1, 2022 - now

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