About Me

I am an Assistant Professor at the Data Science and Anaytics Thrust(数据科学与分析学域), Information Hub (信息枢纽), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Prior to this, I received my Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo. I extend my sincere gratitude to my great supervisor, Prof. Weiyi Shang, and my esteemed committee members: Prof. Shane McIntosh, Prof. Derek Rayside, Prof. Ladan Tahvildari, and Prof. Alexander Serebrenik. I received my B.Eng. degree in software engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. From June 2023 to September 2023, I was a visiting researcher of Prof. Federica Sarro in University College London (UCL).

My research primarily focuses on leveraging intelligent approaches (e.g., ML/DL/LLMs) to enhance various software engineering tasks. Specifically, my interests are twofold: 1) Optimizing natural language processing techniques for software engineering and 2) Software performance engineering for large-scale systems.

Selected Publications

Honors and Awards

  • ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, The 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020)
  • SSBSE 2024 Challenge Track Winner
  • Faculty of Engineering Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo
  • Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Graduate Scholarship, Concordia University
  • Carolyn and Brian Neysmith Graduate Scholarship, Concordia University
  • Dr. T. Radhakrishnan In-Course Graduate Bursary in Computer Science, Concordia University
  • ACM SIGSOFT CAPS Travel Awards, ICSE 2020, FSE 2022, ICSE 2023, ASE 2023, FSE 2023

Academic Services

  • Program committee member: ASE 2024 (Research Track), ASE 2023 (Research Track, Session Chair), MSR 2024 (Junior PC), AIWare 2024 (Challenge Track), ICPE 2024 (Data Challenge Track)
  • Journal Reviewer: TOSEM, EMSE, JSS, ASE, STVR


  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), University of Waterloo, 2024
  • M.A.Sc. in Software Engineering, Concordia University, 2019
  • B.Eng. in Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2015

Invited Talks

  • 2021.07, Shenzhen University, China, Towards the Use of the Readily Available Tests from the Release Pipeline as Performance Tests,
  • 2021.05, Wind River, Canada, Towards the Use of the Readily Available Tests from the Release Pipeline as Performance Tests. From Research to Industry